Systemic Constellations

Families, organisations and teams are all human systems. When something changes in one part of the system, all other parts are somehow affected by this change. It can be very useful to recognise and understand how different parts of our systems are connected.

Sometimes we need to see the system we are living and working in from the outside, in order to get clarity about relationships and dynamics within the system. Sometimes we need to experience what it feels like to be in different positions. Based on this, we begin to recognise what individual parts of the system and the system as a whole need in order to thrive.

In a systemic constellation, people, animals or objects are chosen to represent

  • relevant parts or positions of the client’s system (e.g. departments, team members, customers, family members)
  • or stages in a client’s life or career.

This way, the client’s “inner picture” is made visible externally. The facilitator focusses on highlighting the facts within this picture, so that it can evolve from subjective interpretation towards objective truth. For example, below the surface conflicts may become more tangible. Complex, confusing relationships may become easier to see and understand. Decision-making is supported by increasing clarity about “what is”.