Dr. Stefan Graebe

Stefan Graebe is a coach for businesses and individuals. His business coaching is supported by a wide spectrum of personal management experience, including development and implementation of strategies, transitions, team dynamics and intercultural topics. Stefan mentors managers and teams taking on new responsibilities and trains efficient working techniques for times of overwhelm.

Stefan is a certified life coach and a Licensed TIFF Provider with experience in facilitating personal transformation including career change, relationship issues, work-life balance, releasing personal history and changing habits. His capacity for both business and personal coaching provides lasting shifts for his clients.

Stefan holds a Ph.D in Control Engineering and Systems Science, a field he spent 10 years researching, teaching and writing about. The systems background has had a continued impact on his thinking: he coaches in terms of patterns, reactions, context as an interwoven whole, rather than looking at separate parts that need “fixing”.

Subsequently he spent 12 years in various positions as manager, strategist, CEO and board member in corporate environments. Having lived and worked in six countries on four continents gives him first-hand experience in intercultural topics and expatriate realities. Stefan likes being involved in community projects that help him stay in touch with diversity and people from all walks of life.

Special interests:
hiking, nature, jogging
Selected clients: Atlantis Foundries, Hauni, IJR, MTU, Siemens